What was David Bowie's real name?
David Johnson
David Jones
Michael Jones
When was David Bowie born?
January 18, 1947
February 8, 1947
January 8, 1947
Which honor did David Bowie turn down in 2003?
Which rock star did David Bowie once described as a 'mother image'?
Roger Daltry
Freddie Mercury
Paul McCartney
Mick Jagger
In 1962, David Bowie received an injury that left him with faulty depth perception and a permanently dilated pupil (the latter producing Bowie's appearance of having different colored eyes). What caused this injury?
He was hit in the eye by a drumstick flying through the air at one of his first shows.
His friend punched him in the eye whilst wearing a ring in a fight over a girl.
He poked himself in the eye with a pencil when he fell over while running around a classroom.
He was hit in the eye with a shuttlecock while playing badminton at school.
Which of the following is a real animal species named after Bowie?
Heteropoda Davidbowie - a rare yellow spider
Agathidium Bowiei - a slime-mould beetle
Phialella Bowiei - a jellyfish found off the american west coast
Which of these is not the title of a David Bowie album?
Young Americans
Black Tie White Noise
Diamond Girls
Which of the following is David Bowie's first hit song?
Space Oddity
Ashes to Ashes
Which classic band did David Bowie record the song 'Under Pressure' with?
Who co-wrote and sang 'Fame' with David Bowie?
John Lennon
Elton John
Glen Campbell
Who did David Bowie marry on 19 March 1970?
Mary Barnett
Tina Turner
Bianca Jagger
Which of the following songs is the duet sang by Mick Jagger and David Bowie?
Dancing In The Street
Modern Love
China Girl
As made clear in an earlier question, David Bowie is not his birth name. So, why 'Bowie'?
He named himself after the 19th century American frontiersman Jim Bowie.
He named himself after the USS Bowie, a former US Navy ship .
He gained the nickname due to the wacky bow ties he wore regularly.
Who did David Bowie play in the 2006 film 'The Prestige'?
John Cutter
Nikola Tesla
Robert Angier
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