How Well Do You Know Your Famous Movie Quotes?
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Wow, you know your famous quotes! These quotes have stood the test of time through many, many generations. To succeed at this quiz, you need to know movie classics as well as the more modern successes, and you did! From Casablanca to Forrest Gump, you are a Movie Quote Expert. Share this quiz with your fellow movie lovers and let’s see how many they remember!
You got 14 out of 18!
Wow, you know your famous quotes! These quotes have stood the test of time through many, many generations. To succeed at this quiz, you need to know movie classics as well as the more modern successes, and you did! From Casablanca to Forrest Gump, you are a Movie Quote Expert.
You got 11 out of 18!
Wow, you know your famous quotes! These quotes have stood the test of time through many, many generations. To succeed at this quiz, you need to know movie classics as well as the more modern successes, and you did! From Casablanca to Forrest Gump, you are a Movie Quote Expert.
18/18 terrific!!!