This 🍦 Ice Cream Vs 🐶 Baby Animals “Would You Rather” Will Be the Hardest Quiz You’ll Take Today
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You Prefer Ice Cream!

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You love ice cream, and there are very few flavors that you wouldn't try. It's your absolute favorite treat and you find it near impossible to resist. Not even a cute cuddly kitten will derail you from your love of the frozen confection.


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    Kira Callaghan 11 months ago

We all know that ice cream is nothing but one of the best things in the world. There are few things that ice cream can't cure. If you are ever feeling sad or low, ice cream is a quick pick-me-up that will brighten up any sad day. Research has revealed that eating ice cream can literally make you happier. It helps produce serotonin, the feel-good hormone in our bodies.

While ice cream is nothing less than absolutely wonderful, something else that also makes you happy is looking at photos of cute baby animals. When you're feeling down or having a bad day, just seeing a little puppy, bunny, or even a baby sloth is a surefire way to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

What if you had to choose between these wonderful things on Earth? The best dessert or the best that Mother Nature has to offer, which one do you actually prefer? Take this impossible "would you rather" quiz and we'll see!

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