🐘 It’s OK If You Don’t Know Much About Animals – Take This Quiz to Learn Something New

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There are so many different types of animals in the world, each with their own unique features and abilities. Some animals are gentle and docile, while others are fierce and dangerous. Some animals are massive and awe-inspiring, while others are so small, they are microscopic, but no less awesome. Tardigrades, for example, are only about 0.5 mm (0.020 in) long when fully grown. Yet these tiny creatures, also known as water bears, can survive temperatures close to absolute zero. They can withstand heat beyond the boiling point of water. They have even survived exposure to outer space and doses of radiation that would be lethal to humans. Aren't they incredible? If ever an apocalypse were to occur, you can be sure that these microscopic living organisms would continue to thrive.

No matter what kind of animal you're interested in, there's sure to be something amazing about it. Take a deep dive into the animal kingdom with this quiz and learn something new at the same time.

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