Can You Match These Actors With Their Starring Roles?

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You’re a total Hollywood expert! You know the key characters from every notable movie and TV show, and the actors or actresses that play the roles. There’s a good chance you get most cultural references because you’re ahead of the game! Watch on!


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    5 months ago

All of the actors featured in this quiz have had starring roles in some pretty famous movies. In fact, some of the actors featured in this quiz have had starring roles in more than one very famous movie. This quiz is going to test your knowledge on what roles some actors have played. For the most part, we cover modern-day actors but you will also have to know about movies from previous decades and the actors who starred in them as well.

You shouldn't have too many problems recognizing the actors in this quiz but it might be harder than you think to remember the starring roles that they had. If you consider yourself something of a Hollywood expert or a movie buff then you might do well on this quiz. You'll have to know more than the average cinema fan, however, as some of these questions do get a little difficult. Go ahead and give it your best shot!

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