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  • GalFriday

You're Tweety Bird! You're tiny but mighty, with a sharp wit and a mischievous streak. You may look innocent, but you've got brains and attitude to spare! Whether you’re outsmarting trouble or just looking adorable, you always keep things interesting. I tawt I taw a superstar—and it’s YOU!

You got: The Sage!You embody the wisdom and intellectual depth of the Sage archetype. Your thirst for knowledge and analytical mind set you apart. Embrace your role as a guide and teacher, sharing your insights to help others navigate the complexities of life. Your wisdom is a source...

Your Relationships: As you gather around the Thanksgiving table, you're most thankful for the meaningful relationships in your life. Whether it's the unconditional love of your family, the unwavering support of your friends, or the cherished connections with your community, these relationships are the foundation upon which you build...

You got: Pocahontas and Rapunzel! You tend to be warm and giving, even when you don't have much to your name. You've always been a dreamer, enthusiastic and a free spirit. But that doesn't mean you're a pushover. You stand up for what you believe in when the time...

You got: Self-Care SOS! Alert! You're in desperate need of some serious "me time." You've been running on fumes for too long, and it's starting to take a toll. Maybe you're trying to meet everyone else's needs before your own, or maybe you've just gotten so busy that you've...

You're the Waxing Gibbous! Detail-oriented and meticulous, you strive for perfection in everything you do. You enjoy refining your skills and improving your projects until they're just right. Your attention to detail and persistence ensure that you always produce high-quality work. You're the go-to person when something needs to...

Cypress wood, Thestral tail hair core, 15 inches, and pliable! The wand has chosen you! Cypress wood always matches with wizards and witches who are bold and self-sacrificing. Thestral tail hair definitely suits you because it's a rare and powerful core. You have faced death and emerged stronger, with...

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