Ranked #142ctheu7 is #142 on the leaderboard for most plays
Novicectheu7 has played over 20 quizzes
Last seen 2 weeks ago
Leaderboard Ranking
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You got: 96% High Maintenance!
Tell Us Your Daily Routine And We'll Reveal What % High Maintenance You Are2 weeks agoYou got: You are not awkward at all!
Tell Us How You Feel In These Awkward Scenarios And We'll Tell You How Awkward You Are3 weeks agoYou got: 64 Year Old Female!
๐ณ Cook Scrambled Eggs And We'll Accurately Guess Your Age And Gender3 weeks ago
ctheu7's Quizly Activity Last 365 Days
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- Average plays0.1Per day
- Busiest day12 playsFeb 22
- Total plays38Mar 18 - Mar 18
- Longest streak5 daysFeb 22 - Feb 26
- Current streak0 days
All-time Stats
- 38Total Plays All Time
- 31Unique Quizzes Played
- 0.9%of All Quizzes Completed
Site Activity
- 3 weekson Quizly