You Got; The mansplainerOh boy, here we go again! Nothing makes your eyes roll faster than someone explaining your own expertise to you. You value intellectual equality and mutual respect. Your perfect match? Someone who's more interested in learning from you than lecturing you. Next date idea: A...
You Got: 46-60 yearsLooks like my sister was right, I'm mentally an old man, though I'm not a man...but still.
You Got: CreativityReading creates creative visions in your mind, that induces happiness =P
You Got: DeadpoolI'd love to be able to wear his suit!
You Got: ChefThats fine i guess, though I would prefer some type of counseling job.
You Got: 100% SaltyI guess my honesty makes me salty? Stay salty my friends.
You Got; May or June.nuh uh September here ^_^
You Got; The mansplainerOh boy, here we go again! Nothing makes your eyes roll faster than someone explaining your own expertise to you. You value intellectual equality and mutual respect. Your perfect match? Someone who's more interested in learning from you than lecturing you. Next date idea: A...
You got: Gen AlphaNope, millennial here.