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  • Germany
  • PiaStefan

You got 10 out of 20!Great job! You have a solid grasp of the major events of 2024. While there's always more to learn, your current awareness is impressive. Continue to stay curious and engaged with the world around you; it's a fantastic way to grow and expand your...

You got 18 out of 20!

You got 20 out of 21!Great work! You are the Cinema Master. The questions feature male movie characters spanning several decades, which means you have to be a real movie buff with an insane memory to know them all, and you did!

You got 13 out of 20!Wow! You do know your world leaders and we are very impressed! It is one thing to have seen these world leaders on news programs but to remember their names - that's a whole new level! You really have done a great job! Now,...

You got 13 out of 15!From CEOs, to generals, to politicians - you know your famous people! To know such a wide array of people, from such different times in history, and from such different parts of the world is no easy feat – and you did it! Congratulations.

You got 9 out of 16!Whoa! Great work! You must be a huge fan of U.S. history to do so well on this quiz! If you are not, you must have been the most attentive student in your days back of your school's history classes.

You got: Enthusiasm!You're basically human caffeine – you energize everyone around you! Your zest for life is absolutely contagious, and you tackle new challenges with the excitement of a puppy discovering snow for the first time. Though your energy sometimes makes people wonder what's in your morning coffee (is...

You got: Home Movie Marathon!Netflix and chill? More like Netflix and THRILL (at staying comfy)! You're the master of creating perfect vibes, complete with fuzzy socks, hot cocoa, and zero FOMO. While others are wrestling with party crowds, you're living your best life under a blanket fort, counting down...

You got: Juicy Perfection!Congratulations! The burger you made turned out absolutely perfect. It's juicy, flavorful, and cooked to perfection. You have a natural talent for creating a delicious burger that everyone will rave about. Keep up the amazing work and continue delighting others with your culinary skills!

You got 11 out of 18!Impressive work! You've got some smarts on mysterious-looking items! How the fudge nuggets did you even recognize some of these?! You're all about figuring out what you are looking at in life whether it's an object or a person. If your friends were smart,...

You got 6 out of 16!This quiz was a serious challenge. Though you didn't quite master your cooking knowledge, you made a good attempt! The majority of people aren't able to pass this quiz on their first attempt. There were some difficult questions that could even test the knowledge...

You got 14 out of 22!You've got a solid understanding of horror movies! While you're not quite at expert level, you've clearly seen your fair share of classic and modern scares. Keep watching, and soon you'll be a horror movie trivia master.

You got 15 out of 15!Well done! We went all the way back to the originals with this quiz, and you didn’t disappoint! You have clearly seen nearly all of the Disney movies, because this was Disney dominance! From Bambi, to Finding Nemo, to Snow White, and even The...

You got 8 out of 16!Great Fun Quiz 😍

You got 9 out of 15!You really know what buttons to push. You possibly have a computer chip in your head. And that's a good thing!

You got 8 out of 14!Great job! This quiz is really tough, but clearly this does not faze you as you managed to achieve a high score! You really know your history of the world's ancient cities!

You got 7 out of 15!Paws-down... You did not score as well as expected but that's okay. While it is easy to identify the TV show from its main characters, to do the same from its dog is a different ball game altogether. So we don't blame you for...

You got 14 out of 18!Excellent job! You certainly are a huge movie fan! It is one thing to know a movie's title, another to be able to name the movie from one final scene. Be very proud of this achievement!

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