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  • Ohio, USA
  • Sabine-Stroehem

You are not easy to annoy! Reply To These Texts And Weβ€˜ll Reveal How Easily Annoyed You AreBased on your answers, you are not easy to annoy. You have plenty of patience for all around you, including strangers. Lies! Guess what annoys me the most? Liars. I'm talking to...

I got Poet. I expected that answer, I love reading & writing, being a soldier is my personal nightmare (much respect to soldiers, but I like to sleep in too much & I quite dislike physical exertion) Being a Queen would require way too much being on my best...

13/15, not too shabby πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸŽ“

Same! In fact, yellow is probably my least favorite color. I'm not a ray of sunshine, I don't always have a smile on my face & psychological research has shown that more than any other color, yellow makes people nervous & edgy, not fun loving & upbeat. I think...

βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨πŸŽ‡24/24!πŸŽ‡βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨ Hooray! Now I finally have the evidence I need to prove to my older brother that art school πŸŽ¨πŸ–ŒοΈ wasn't just a big waste of time⏳& (his) money πŸ’΅! I've been imagining this triumphant moment every single second I've spent working the night shift at this gas station for...

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