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🍕 If You Can Name 12/15 of These Italian Foods, You Should Move to Italy Already

Should you start packing your bags?

When it comes to Italian cuisine, it may be easy for you to get lost in the multiple varieties of pasta and pizza alone. However, the cuisine entails much more than these two incredible foods. If you're feeling adventurous, here are some of the best Italian dishes you can enjoy.

A Fiorentina steak encompasses a thick cut of T-bone steak done rare. Simple but delicious! For a lighter dish, go for the ribollita, a hearty vegetable soup thickened with bread instead of meat. Enjoy the vibrancy of the harvest vegetables used. If you want some carbs, try a fried rice ball, the arancini. Along with rice, the dish is traditionally stuffed with ragu meat sauce, mozzarella cheese, and peas. Sounds yummy if you ask us!

In this quiz, your job is simple - pick out the correct name of the presented Italian dish amongst a bunch of decoy names. Up for the challenge?


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If You Can Name 12 of Italian Foods, You Should Move to… Quiz Questions

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