๐ŸŽ‚ How You Feel About These 20 Party Foods Will Accurately Determine Your Birth Month
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You got: February!

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You're born in the month of February!


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Cake, decorations, music, and food -- those are the essentials to any party and celebration. Whether the event is a big or small one, we all know that people gather together where there is good food. Most people won't admit to it, but at least some love attending an event as long as there is free food and drinks. That could be the only reason why they come in the first place.

A party without the food is not a party at all. Nothing makes people feel more at ease than a drink in their hand and food nearby. When it comes to party foods, the list is endless. Dips, sliders, mini sandwiches, cheese boards, desserts, assorted finger foods and one-bite appetizers, everyone has his or her favorite type of bite-sized foods. Your taste in various party bites will help to reveal the month you were born. Try out this quiz and see if your result is accurate!

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