Half of the Population Can’t Pass This 🌍 Science Quiz With Flying Colors — Can You Do It?

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There's never a time where a quiz isn't a decent option for passing the time with friends and family. Try taking our series of science quizzes and give your brain a workout at the same time. This quiz is for the knowledge buffs, those who love the act of learning so much that it transcends subject matter.

Even if you weren't someone who got excited about science class in school, now—as an adult—it's hard not to be amazed by science. Biology, ecology, chemistry, physics and astronomy are all covered in this super fun quiz of how the natural world works. This quiz will help you brush up on some fundamental science knowledge that you may have forgotten. Take this quiz to test your science knowledge, and maybe learn a few things along the way. Think you can score big on this quiz? Don't worry — no rocket science knowledge is required.

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