🌈 Pick a Shade from Each Color and We’ll Reveal Something About Your Personality
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You are Inquisitive!

2% of players got this result!

Just like Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory, you are inquisitive (although you probably don't cause as much trouble as her)! You always ask why, and won't stop till you get an answer. Discovering something gives you satisfaction, but remember not too become annoying!


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  2. 🏆 177th in TriviaJoe Lester is the 177th top scorer over the last 30 days
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  8. 🏅 Ranked #63vienna is ranked 63rd for playing the most unique quizzes in the last 30 days
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    • 🏅 Ranked #63vienna is ranked 63rd for playing the most unique quizzes in the last 30 days
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  11. Elite PlayerMaryam472 has played over 500 quizzes
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  12. 🏅 Ranked #139bewitchingomen is ranked 139th for playing the most unique quizzes in the last 30 days
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Your choices in life determine the kind of person you turn out to be. But did you know that just something as basic as picking out your favorite shades of color can reveal a prominent character trait about yourself?

It's really simple, just choose one from the four shades of a color that are presented. There are no complicated questions to answer, you simply select your preferred color hues with a click of the mouse. Then, we will tell you what kind of person you are!

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