Rate These Wedding Cakes and We’ll Reveal What Your Next Boyfriend Will Be Like

You got: The Romantic!

30% of players got this result!

Your next boyfriend is everything you want in a guy. He doesn't seem to have any flaws. He is as patient, sweet, and caring as someone can be, not to mention he loves doing romantic things to make you happy.


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The wedding cake takes centerstage at the event, as cutting it together is the newlywed's first joint task as husband and wife. Therefore, picking the right one is highly important and equally stressful. To keep you calm, here are some helpful tips to finding the perfect wedding cake!

You may think to order a cake based on just a given description, but you should book a tasting. This is not just to try the cake, but also to build a good rapport with the bakery and get them genuinely excited for your wedding. Choosing the cake should be one of the last few things on your list. You should have already confirmed the theme of the wedding and your outfits before deciding on a suitable wedding cake. Obviously, you need to keep in mind the number of wedding guests too, to determine the size of the cake.

In this quiz, we will present you with different kinds of wedding cakes for your viewing pleasure. Tell us what you think of them and we'll tell you the kind of guy you'll be in a relationship with next!

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