If You Had More Than 10 of These Things Growing Up, You Were the Rich Friend

Take a trip down memory lane.

In many groups of friends and cliques, there's usually that one friend with the coolest toys, the trendiest clothes, the best video games, and possibly even a pool at home for those hot summer days. Everyone wants a rich friend and perhaps you were in that role for other kids during your childhood years.

We are able to tell if you were the rich kid in your social group based on how you respond to the questions on this quiz. To find out if you were in fact the rich friend or the poor kid growing up, take this quiz and answer the questions as honestly as you can. This quiz will ask you about your upbringing. You’ll have to remember things from your childhood such as games you used to play, trips you might have taken with your family and even the kind of clothes you wore. It will be an interesting trip down memory lane.


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If You Had More Than 10 of Things Growing Up, You Were … Quiz Questions

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