🐡 If You’ve Eaten 20/29 of These Foods, Then You’re Truly Obsessed With Seafood

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You like seafood, but you aren't obsessed. While you've definitely tried a lot of the seafoods listed here, you either aren't a fan of some, or just haven't gotten around to trying others.


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Seafood is pretty great. There are all sorts of seafood suitable for different palates, and they are some of the most nutrient-dense foods we can eat. In particular, many types of fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for our heart health. More recently, studies have shown that eating seafood may support brain health, too, including reducing incidences of depression and boosting one's mood.

In addition, seafood is extremely versatile as a food group. There are many types of fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, and mollusks that can be eaten. They can be grilled, baked, steamed, fried, or even eaten raw, served with chips, vegetables, or alongside another meat a la surf and turf.

Are you a seafood lover? Have you been adventurous enough when it comes to your culinary experiences of sea? Go through this list of some common and not-so-common seafoods and see how many you have eaten, plus the ones to try next.

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