🍪 We Know Whether You’re in Your 20s or 30s Based on Your Snack Preferences

You got: 20s!

34% of players got this result!

We know that you're in your twenties!


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If you love your snacks and can't seem to resist the urge to snack on your favorite go-to munchies, there's nothing to be ashamed about! A lot of people share this in common with you. The snacks you reach for when the craving hits can reveal something about your personality.

If you go for tortilla chips, you tend to be a perfectionist. You not only want the best for yourself but for the people close to you as well. Actions speak louder than words, so you're always getting down and dirty to achieve your goals. If you're more of a bacon strip or jerky lover, you're fiercely loyal to those you trust and the things you love. You're definitely not one to let things go easily.

In this quiz, you get to choose your favorite snacks in different categories. Based on your taste in snacks, we will tell you which age group we think you're in and it'll be accurate!

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