It’s Pretty Obvious What Your Age Is Based on What You Think of These 20 Old-Timey Desserts

Take a nostalgic walk down Flavor Avenue.

During uncertain and stressful times, many of us turn to familiar food to relieve unease and self-soothe. It's thus not surprising that some classic foods have been popular. After all, there's comfort in the familiar. That being said, familiarity isn't all that we love about the 20 beloved but all-but-forgotten desserts in this quiz. They were great when we were growing up, and they're just as delicious now. When was the last time you had one of those colorful jello molds with fruit salad out of a can and a dollop of cool whip on top—if ever?

Go on a nostalgic walk down Flavor Avenue with this retro dessert quiz. Many of these vintage desserts have, for the most part, disappeared. How many of them deserve a comeback, and how many should stay forgotten? Have your say on whether each one is yummy or yucky. Your opinions may jolly well reveal how old you really are right now!

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It's Obvious What Your Age Is by What You Think of 20 O… Quiz Questions

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