⛈ If You Can’t Pass This Weather Quiz, You Need to Go Back to School

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Weather is one of the most commonly talked about subjects, but it seems few people actually know anything about it beyond conversational. One may wonder why it isn't one of the mandatory subjects we all have to learn in school. Considering that weather affects us daily and sometimes to a large degree, it is odd that knowledge about the subject isn't given the attention that it probably should be.

This quiz will test your knowledge on a variety of weather-related issues. This includes extreme weather events, natural disasters, how certain types of weather form and terminology that only those knowledgeable on the subject will know. If you think you have what it takes to pass this very difficult weather quiz then go ahead and give it your best shot. If you aren't able to pass this quiz, however, you might consider going back to school or at least studying up a little on the subject.

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