Which Marvel and Pixar Hybrid Character Are You?

You got: Captain America and Woody!

Your key to life is integrity - you don't believe in living a life where you aren't as honest as you can be. Your honesty may not have been well-received sometimes, so you end up keeping your thoughts to yourself and being called reserved. You're quite serious too, choosing to shut out any distraction and focusing on the task at hand. You're always prepared, even for the unlikeliest situation, something people appreciate having you around for.


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When Marvel was acquired by Disney, it joined previous acquisition, Pixar, in the Walt Disney family. Ever since then, moviegoers have been dreaming of possible crossover situations. This was fueled further when the chief creative officer of Pixar hinted at a possible collaboration between the two entities. What could that partnership be?

The Avengers has been a big hit with the general movie audience. So an obvious tie-in would be with superhero family, The Incredibles! Can you imagine a face-off between Scarlet Witch and Violet? What about an Ant-Man movie, where he shrinks and catches up with the crew from A Bug's Life? We would like to see Sulley and Mike from Monsters, Inc. try to scare a young Peter Parker!

In this quiz, answer some questions about your Marvel, Pixar, and personality-based preferences. Your opinions will determine which combination of Marvel and Pixar characters you are most like!

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