In the dating game, many girls tend to drift back to the kind of guy they are familiar with and consider their "type". If you're in this situation but find yourself getting disappointed or brokenhearted time after time, you should consider dating another type.
You may think that dating a workaholic would not be very fulfilling, but a passionate and dedicated guy that is willing to work hard is difficult to come by. If he commits heavily to a job early on in his career and you stick it out, you may reap the benefits from him having a less hectic, successful career some years later. If you've ever avoided the clingy guy, you may want to find your way to him. Instead of finding him overbearing, you may see him as someone who appreciates your presence and loves you no matter how you are.
In this quiz, tell us about your dating preferences and we'll suggest the kind of man who'd be perfect for you!
the nice one
the Funny Fellow!
Just perfect
nice guys correct my crush is so nice
You got: the Nice Guy!
You’re meant to be with a man who is a true romantic. He is the nicest guy ever and is that way to not just you, but everyone he interacts with. This helps him fit right into your family. He also puts in the effort to surprise you whenever he can.
Not wrong! I am always drawn to men who are gentle in nature. Even the “bad boy” characters who have a sense of humour and try to hide their hearts of gold.
Manly Man hunk ( my boy friend )
The funny fellow. YES I need a good laugh smts
the Manly Man lol
Intelligent one
The nice guy.
Don’t care too much about romantic gestures but I like nice guys (my celebrity crush is one).
I got the same result. And same, my celeb crush is well known for his kindness.
Respect to him for that and to you too.
The intellectual one