The mythology of gods from different cultures has lived on for centuries because of the beliefs their followers have. People that worship these deities spend a huge part of their lives trying to learn about them. However, there are some things even the most diligent followers could have missed out on.
Hades is infamous for being the god of death. However, he didn't ask for this position. He literally drew the short straw and was stuck with the lowly title. He's also not responsible for the condemnation or redemption of souls, which the three demigod brothers are in charge of. When you think of "snake hair", Medusa is the first name that comes to mind. But did you know that she had two sisters with the same kind of hair too?
In this quiz, find out which mythological god or goddess from various mythologies you are most like. All you have to do is to answer the following mythical questions to the best of your ability and voilà!
You got: Kali!
You are the Hindu goddess, Kali! You embody the spirit of femininity. You’re bold in your endeavors and don’t stop till you achieve what you want. In your efforts, you may step on some toes, so you need to be careful finding your way without creating issues for yourself in the long run. Your ruthlessness comes in handy with people who are full of themselves.
Goddess Kali
You got: Kali!
You are the Hindu goddess, Kali! You embody the spirit of femininity. You’re bold in your endeavors and don’t stop till you achieve what you want. In your efforts, you may step on some toes, so you need to be careful finding your way without creating issues for yourself in the long run. Your ruthlessness comes in handy with people who are full of themselves.
Freya! Makes soooo much sense, I’d probably be Apollo, and Freya is like, Apollo as a girl.
You are Ra, the ancient Egyptian deity of the Sun! You are friendly and warm towards everyone you interact with. You believe in spreading positivity. You also try to develop yourself in various areas so that you become an all-rounded individual. But you’re not selfish about the things you know; you share your knowledge so that others get to develop their skillsets too.
completely inaccurate!
You are the Hindu goddess, Kali! You embody the spirit of femininity. You’re bold in your endeavors and don’t stop till you achieve what you want. In your efforts, you may step on some toes, so you need to be careful finding your way without creating issues for yourself in the long run. Your ruthlessness comes in handy with people who are full of themselves.
same…but idk why…I actually have given up a lot of times. ITS LYING TO ME
You still rock though 🤘.
thanks so much
You are the Norse goddess, Freya! You appreciate life and the limited time you have on Earth, so you live it to the fullest. You are in love with the concept of love. There’s no one who appreciates romance as much as you. You love family time and can’t wait for the next addition to your family.
i can relate to her