What do you typically enjoy doing on a weeknight when you have to work or go to school the following day?
Read a book
None of these
Work out
Watch TV
Go out for dinner
See a movie
Which celeb would you hang out with?
Aubrey Plaza
Matt Bomer
None of these
Kate McKinnon
Zachary Quinto
How clean do you keep your home?
Absolutely disgusting
Not very clean
Very clean
Somewhat clean
What music would you play all day?
Classic rock
Lofi music
Disney music
Nature sounds
None of these
Do you enjoy having pets?
What would be your dream job?
None of these
Travel journalist
What time do you typically like to get up in the morning?
Have you ever had your heart broken? If so, how many times?
I've never had my heart broken
I've had my heart broken once
I've had my heart broken 3 or more times
I've had my heart broken twice
How do you feel about the statement, "the more the merrier?"
Out of the options below, which is most important to you?
How important is your career to you?
Very important
Not very important
Not important at all
Somewhat important
How much time do you spend on social media?
I'm on social media rarely
I'm never on social media
I spend a LOT of time on social media
I spend a fair bit of time on social media
Do you enjoy hiking, running, or going for walks?
I don't really enjoy it
I like it
Do you have or want children?
Have you ever been divorced?
I have been divorced twice
I've never been divorced
I have been divorced 3 or more times
I have been divorced once
How important to you is getting a good night's sleep?
Not important at all
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Select the option below which best describes where you want to live.
Out in the country
A medium-sized city
A big city
A suburb
Select the type of vacation below you would most want to take.
Select the option below that you feel best describes you.
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