Will You Make It to the Naughty or Nice List This Year?

You made the nice list!

80% of players got this result!

Good for you! You've made the nice list for this year. Thank you for being such a good person. 


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It’s that time of year again where a man at the North Pole will judge if you have been naughty or nice. The results of his evaluation will determine if you get the presents you want or if you end up with a lump of coal. While we can’t tell you exactly what Santa has determined, we can determine how likely you are to be on the naughty or nice list based on how you answer the questions on this quiz. The answer may surprise you.

Perhaps you have been very good this year. If that’s the case, you will no doubt land on the nice list and get all the gifts you hope to. Maybe you haven’t been all that great, however. If that’s the case you could be in store for an unpleasant surprise when it comes time to open your gifts. Take this quiz and answer the questions as honestly as you can and we will let you know.

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