It's Monday morning and you are running late to work. How do you handle the situation?
Drive erratically to get to work on time
Take your time, you get there when you get there
Call in and let everyone know you'll be late
Go back to bed because the day is ruined anyway
You've just arrived at work and somebody has parked in your space. How do you handle the situation?
Request management to have the car towed away
Park somewhere else and forget about it
Drive home and go back to bed because the day is ruined
Make an announcement in the office about it and demand the incorrectly parked person fix their mistake immediately
Your boss gives your co-worker credit for work that you did. How do you handle the situation?
Yell and cry about it
Politely point out that it was you who did the work
Just let it go and don't say anything
Speak with your boss about it after but not in front of others
How do you like to dress for work?
Business casual attire
Business attire
I wear whatever I want
A co-worker expresses they are interested in a romantic relationship with you. How do you handle the situation?
Immediately become engaged in an office romance with the person
Politely decline but thank them for their interest
Report it to HR
It depends on what I think of the co-worker
Your manager says something you know to be incorrect during a meeting. How do you handle the situation?
Speak with your manager about it after
Don't say anything
Make fun of your boss behind their back
Correct your manager in front of everyone
You've been offered a job with better pay at a different company. Your new employer wants you to start right away and you would not be able to give your current job notice. How do you handle the situation?
Explain to your new employer that you must give your current job notice
Just stop showing up to your current job
Quit your current job and don't give notice
Decline the new job offer
You are working on a group project and your co-workers haven't done their share of the assignment. How do you handle the situation?
Do your own work and don't worry about your co-workers
Report it to the manager
Do your co-workers' work for them
Calmly speak with them about getting their work done
What best describes the state of your workstation?
A mess
It smells
An organized mess
What does lunch look like on a typical workday?
Your co-worker is insisting that you take part in the office's "Secret Santa" tradition but you don't want to. How do you handle the situation?
Simply ignore your co-worker
Report the incident to HR
Take part in Secret Santa even though you don't want to
Politely explain that you do not want to participate
A co-worker has an intense body odor that disturbs you at work. How do you handle the situation?
Report it to HR
Politely talk to your co-worker about it
Spray Febreeze in your co-worker's general direction
Make fun of your co-worker behind their back
Your employer passes you over for a promotion and gives it to someone much less experienced. How do you handle the situation?
Speak with management and ask what their future plans for you are
Congratulate your co-worker
Dramatically quit your job
Yell and cry about it
What word would your co-workers use to describe you?
You have discovered that your manager is embezzling funds and stealing from the company. How do you handle the situation?