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Go on a 20-Stop ✈️ Round-The-World Trip and I Will Use AI to Determine Whether You’re Book Smart or Street Smart

Travel the world and discover your smarts.

Pack your bags and get ready for a 20-stop round-the-world trip! From the stunning beaches of Oceania to the bustling cities of North America and the charming towns of Europe, this journey will take you through some of the most fascinating countries on the planet. But the question is, are you book smart or street smart enough to navigate through them?

In this fun quiz, you'll be asked to choose from a list of countries in each of the continents and regions we'll be visiting. Your choices will reveal whether you rely more on theoretical knowledge or practical experience when it comes to traveling and exploring new cultures.

Will you choose Australia or New Zealand when we stop in Oceania? Will you go for the USA or Canada when we hit North America? And which Nordic country will you pick when we make our way to Europe?

Answer these questions and more, and find out if you're a book smart traveler who's all about planning and preparation, or a street smart adventurer who's ready to take on any challenge that comes their way. Let's begin the journey and see where it takes us!


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Go on 20-Stop ️ Round-The-World Trip & I'll Use AI to K… Quiz Questions

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