🎂 Don’t Be Shocked When We Guess Your Age and Birth Month from the Desserts You Like
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You got: 42 and October!

53% of players got this result!

Based on your taste in desserts, it looks like you're 42 years old and were born in October.


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How do we like to end meals? With sweet treats of course.

Imagine the best dessert on Earth. What would you think of? Better still, turn to a friend or loved one and ask them. Odds are good -- dollars to doughnuts -- their answer is different from yours.

From childhood treats to mom's favorite recipes, beloved foods are deeply personal. This seems especially true of desserts, which often play a part at celebrations and traditional holidays.

Whether it is a tender slice of Italian tiramisú at the end of a coursed meal, an ice cream cone eaten on a scorching summer day, or an exotic baked good in a foreign country, all of us have our personal favorites when it comes to sweet treats. What do they reveal about us? Take this dessert quiz, choose some decadent treats that you fancy, and we'll see what we can reveal about you.

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