You're into Romantic Men!
Your taste in pizza indicates that you like romantic men! You want to be treated like the princess you are, and romantic men will do that for you. They try hard to impress you with their passionate displays of love and you fall every time. Sometimes, even the smallest thing comes natural to them, and you love that! Their charm may get the attention of other girls too, but you know that he only has eyes for you. You'd be perfect with a romantic man!
You’re into Jocks!
Your taste in pizza indicates that you like jocks! You like being with someone that knows how to take things light and fool around. He gives you space to hang out with your girls, but you have to give the same respect when he hangs out with his boys. You love his athleticism and you find you two have the perfect balance of fun and seriousness in your relationship, something that would really pay off in the long run. You’d be perfect with a jock!
😂🤣Not really a jock girl. I barely watch sports.
Romantic Men? CORRECT! (I need to be treated like the princess I am <3)
So very True Your taste in pizza indicates that you like geeks! You like guys who pay attention to detail, especially when it’s about you. They also know the best way to communicate with you and introduce you to the coolest new gadgets. You love it when guys understand you need your alone time and let you have as much as you need. Likewise, you see the passion that geeks have and you know how to appreciate it. You’d be perfect with a geek!
This sounds more like my kind of guy.😅😂
They gave me Jocks.😅