While reading your horoscopes, you may have noticed the words "earth sign", "water sign", etc. These terms refer to the four elements of astrology: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. Each of these elements represents certain traits and characteristics that may be found in a person's personality or behavior.
Earth signs are typically grounded, practical, and stable. People born under an Earth sign tend to be patient and organized, and they often take on a lot of responsibility.
Water signs are sensitive, intuitive, and they often rely on their feelings to guide them. People born under a Water sign are often creative and imaginative, and they are often in tune with their environment.
Fire signs tend to be energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic. They are quick thinkers and often have a strong desire to achieve their goals.
People born under an Air sign tend to be friendly and outgoing, and they often have a lot of ideas and interests.
This personality quiz will analyze what your true zodiac element is. Let's see if your quiz result matches up with your actual sign!
Air sign very wrong, I’m actually a fire sign might have been when younger but you chill alot with age some people and things are just not worth the effort!1
I tried all of the available zodiac quizzes. They were ALL wrong!
You got: Earth Sign!
I’m actually water… I’m Cancer.
Water sign HOW DID THEY KNOW?!
there finally right earth
I got an air sign but I’m actually a fire sign…
I got earth sign
I’m actually an air sign (Aquarius).
water sign: correct
Splish splash — you’re a water sign! Water signs usually base making their decisions on sense, rather than logic. You’re very intuitive and connected to your emotions. Out of all the signs, you’re more likely to feel things deeper. Water signs include Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. I’m a leo
I’m a water sign not an earth sign
im not an earth sign I’m a fire sighn
I got a water sign, but I’m actually an air sign, although Aquarius sounds like a water sign definitely.
Are you saying ur an Aquarius? Because if u r Aquarius is water sign
this is soooo accurate!!!!
You got: Earth Sign!
You’re an earth sign! You’re very grounded and logical in most to all aspects in your life. Out of all the signs, earth signs are most likely to appreciate the finer things in life and have ease with accumulating great wealth. Earth signs include Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Yea I’m Virgo
I’m not cancer I’m Leo
I’m a Fire Sign, not an Earth Sign
me tooo!!!
Wrong I’m Taurus an earth sign
I’m not a fire sign
Air Sign I`m a Capricorn
wrong wrong wrong