Can You Name These 1980s One Hit Wonders from Their Lyrics? Play quiz
Wow! You are obviously a master of 80s hits. From The Safety Dance, to Whip It, to Take On Me, you know your 80s One Hit Wonders! Great work!Share this quiz with your friends and let’s see how well they do!
I got 10 out of 15! – 66%
Wow! You are obviously a master of 80s hits. From The Safety Dance, to Whip It, to Take On Me, you know your 80s One Hit Wonders! Great work!
I got 5 out of 15!
Uh-oh! Though you knew a few of these glorious 80s one hit wonders, you were unable to correctly identify enough to pass the test! That’s okay! Most people know the common hits that were performed by bands or artists that stood the test of time but it takes a real music lover – or a fantastic memory – to remember the one hit wonders that came and went – so we don’t blame you for missing a few!
Share this quiz with your friends and let’s see how well they do!
4/25 about right
No surprise there as I hate 1980s music.
86 % ( 13 out of 15 )