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Great work! Wow, you really know your animals! You deserve all of the pets and nuzzles you want!


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Animals and wildlife can be some of the most fascinating things to study. Children and elementary school students often love learning about the animal kingdom. It is a very child-friendly subject, which is likely the reason it is taught to youngsters in school so much. You likely received a lot of education about animals but how much of it did you really retain? You might be surprised to learn that the average 4th grader probably knows more about animals than you do.

Perhaps you are someone who has retained a large degree of the knowledge you learned in school. Maybe you know a lot about animals and are interested in testing your skills. Either way, this is the quiz for you. Go ahead and give it your best shot and see just how much basic knowledge about animals you have. If you can't do well on this 4th grade animal quiz, you should maybe consider going back to school.

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