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๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and Weโ€™ll Guess Your Exact Age and Height

You'll need to build a kennel too.

Who doesn't love dogs? These adorable pooches have so much love and loyalty to give to anyone who needs a companion. Many of us love our pet dogs in the same way as we do our children, and the feeling is mutual (and also very real). A dog is the only thing on earth that loves us more than he loves himself, and helps make our lives whole. Whether it's during a run through the park or after offering a treat, there's no feeling like looking at your pet adoringly and getting a loving stare right back.

They are perfect as they are, although many of us have our preferred breeds that better fit our personality, energy and lifestyle. Choose the traits of your ideal dog and we will guess your age and height accurately!

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๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz Questions

๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 167
  • Male

  • Female

๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 221
  • Small

  • Large

  • Miniature

  • Medium

๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 321

    ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 421

      ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 520
      • Wavy

      • Smooth

      • Fluffy

      • Curly

      ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 621
      • Mixed colors

      • Grey

      • Brown

      • Black

      • Golden

      • White

      ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 720
      • Yes!

      • No!

      ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 821
      • "Webbed Feet"

      • "Flat Feet"

      • "Hare Feet"

      • "Cat Feet"

      ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 922
      • "Otter"

      • "Screw"

      • "Sickle"

      • "Ring"

      ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 1021

        ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 1124

          ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 1221

            ๐Ÿถ Build a Dog and We'll Guess Your Exact Age and Height Quiz 1318
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