Are You More of an Introvert or an Extrovert?

You got: Introvert!

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Based on your answers, you are an introvert.


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While introverts and extroverts may have similarities in other areas of life, these two groups of people tend to be on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of how outgoing they are.

On occasion, the two types of people are not able to relate with one another very well. An individual with extraverted tendencies is often unable to comprehend why an introvert might rather be alone than to attend a social gathering. Conversely, an individual who is more introverted may have trouble understanding why an extrovert is talking so much or so loudly.

Based on certain personality traits you exhibit and the answers you give to the questions in this quiz, we are able to determine if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. If you would like to find out if you display more introverted or extroverted traits then you will want to take this quiz, answer the questions contained within, and we will let you know.

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