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The gifts you choose to give someone says a lot about your relationship and what you think of that person. At the same time, it is also quite telling about your personality and the kind of person you are best suited to be friends with.
Many of us follow celebs on their Instagram. Some of us may even daydream about being actual friends with one. You can’t just be a BFF of any celebrity you like, they have to mesh with your personality and you with them. We can determine which celebrity you mesh well with based on the answers you give on this quiz.
Perhaps you are best suited to hanging out with one of the top actors in Hollywood. On the other hand, perhaps you are better suited to being BFFs with one of the most popular musical artists around. Then again, your BFF might be a celebrity from an entirely different field. Go ahead and take this quiz, shop for some birthday gifts, and we will find you a celebrity to be best friends forever with.
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The Rock
I got: the Rock!
Based on your answers, we feel that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and you should be BFFs. That’s not bad company to keep!
I like this way better than… Kylie Jenner! I don’t even know who she is! Plus, Dwayne is FUNNY!
I got: Kylie Jenner!
We think you have style and that means you would be excellent BFFs with Kylie Jenner. Pretty cool!
Based on your answers, we feel that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and you should be BFFs. That’s not bad company to keep!
You got: Kylie Jenner!
…that would be the shortest friendship I’ve ever had.
lol same
Bill Burr, Who`s he? I`ve never heard of him.
Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner!
thank you
I love yours too Lupin is one of my favourite characters
You’re welcome!
RIGHT!!!! HE’S SO GREAT! I may or may not have a obsession…
We’re on the same boat… I LOVE Hermione!
I used to love Hermione too, until I realized that she was the one who “…let the nature of my [Lupin’s] condition slip.”
Yeah that was not cool
Also Emma Watson may or may not be one of my favourite actresses
Sorry what I meant to say was:
Well, it was nice talking to you! : )
Well, I was nice talking to you! : )
I got Dwayne Johnson and I don’t want him
If you’d prefer Kylie Jenner, I’ll trade you.
I agree with you completely
And guess what I got the same
the Rock!
Based on your answers, we feel that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and you should be BFFs. That’s not bad company to keep!
I got him too but I wish that I get somebody else but if I can pick my celebrity BFF I want a single man like Scott Eastwood