🍔 Build the Perfect Burger and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height

You got: 42 Years Old and 5 Foot 7!

Are we right to guess that you're a 42-year-old who is 5 feet 7 inches tall?


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Is there anything better, really, than sinking your teeth into a perfectly seasoned, succulent, juicy burger? Sure, we all know that burgers aren't the healthiest food option, but it's incredibly hard to resist these sandwiches when they are filled with delicious meats, cheese, and sauces! What's not to love?

The best burgers always come with great toppings. If you've ever had a burger at McDonald's or Burger King and found yourself thinking "hey, I could do better", here's your chance to make that dream into virtual reality.

In this quiz, you get a wide range of buns, patties, fillings, veggies, and sauces. Pick all the fixings you want to build that perfect burger. Not everyone's going to like the same hamburger toppings, so your preferences definitely reveal a lot about you! Based on your choices, we'll try to guess both your age and your height, so choose wisely! What are you waiting for? Time to make that ridiculously yummy burger!

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