👄 Can We Guess Your Age by the Words You Use?
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You are 18!
12% of players got this result!
Hey, teen dream, you’re totally hip. You’re up-to-the-minute updated on all the current slang, no matter what. Whether it’s new hashtags or abbreviations, you’re always on top of the slang and styleIf you enjoyed this quiz, share it with your friends and family.
I got 18. Yeah. I’m TOTALLY 18, and definitely not 11.
Same but I’m 12 😂
18. Close, 4 years off.
You are 31!
Content and well-adjusted, you’re exactly where you need to be — sure, your slang and word usage is a little dated, but that doesn’t bother you one bit. Established and educated, you still relish the good old days. Over time, you’ll become a total language master.
Not correct, but not far off.
I got 31, but I’m 13! That’s actually hilarious.
18 good job only off by 6 years
im 12 got 31 lol
You are 26!
No 😉✌🏻 older 😉
It gave me 18 but i am 14 sounds pretty accurate to me too!!!
me tooo
31 not so
26 no eight
Apparently they came closer to guessing my correct age than a lot of other people’s. I’m 65; they guessed 61.
Says I’m 18. That was almost 60 years ago and I wouldn’t go back for anything.
Love this answer!
I don’t believe in regrets….but, I might definitely do some things differently, if I were sent back.
I’m 12 and it thought I was 54!
Real but it thought I was 54 even though I’m 11 years old!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
31 no 72
It’s says I’m 43 yet I’m 20
18 Wrong again try 63. 18 / 31 must be your favorite number.
Bro i’m 11 it said i’m 18
I got 18. I’m actually 10…🤣
I was thinking 18 two times. Are you kidding me? 31. I’m 9.
It also guessed I was thirty-one. I suppose I need to feel flattered because I’m fifty-six!! 🤣😂
18! I’m actually 28 so 10 years off isn’t to bad I guess
it gave me 18. I’m 11!
It said I’m 18 but I’m 13 not too far off
Got 18 being 17, quite accurate for me.
I am actually 18 years old and i got 18 years old😊❤️
Are you kidding 31 I’m 8
You’re 5 years off
I’m actually 36
18. seriously? i am 9!
Gave me a laugh. I’m nearer 80 than 18.
how old R U anyway?