🍪 Can We Guess Your Age Based on How Many of These Chocolate Things You’ve Tried?
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You got: 24 to 30 Years Old!

15% of players got this result!

Are you between the ages of 24 and 30 years old?


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Chocolate is one of the most versatile ingredients on Earth. Not only does the sweet treat create the perfect base for a multitude of desserts, it actually goes well in savory dishes too! You wouldn't have thought of these chocolate food combos for sure.

For a snack, you should try drizzling chocolate over a plate of French fries. The saltiness of the fries works well with the rich texture of the gooey chocolate. You can even do this with potato chips! If you're a meat lover, you can create a cocoa rub for a tender and juicy steak. You'd be pleasantly surprised with the result. For some comfort food, add chocolate to a pot of chili to have an intense flavor sensation in your mouth!

In this quiz, we will present you with various chocolatey things that will make your mouth water. Depending on how many of them you've tried, we will be able to guess your age quite accurately.

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