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Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects?

Can you play the part of a detective and identify these aged objects? Take this quiz and see how well you do!

Try your hand at naming these historical objects that have seen better days. Some items are still used today, while some are hardly ever seen anymore.

Think you can play the part of a detective and identify the names of these mysterious-looking objects? Take this quiz now and find out!

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects

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Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz Questions

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz victorian vinaigrette
  • Portable sewing kit

  • Penny pouch

  • Vinaigrette

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz Telephone
  • Telephone

  • Stethoscope

  • Microphone

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Apple tongs

  • Nose pincher

  • Strawberry grabber

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Analog fax machine

  • Telegram

  • Radio

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz sholes glidden_typewriter
  • Typewriter

  • Desktop calculator

  • Telegraphic transfer machine

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Jukebox

  • Restaurant menu display

  • CD player

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Iron

  • Rice cooker

  • Food steamer

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Clam server

  • Soup sampler

  • Salt set

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Roledex

  • Number typewriter

  • Pinwheel calculator

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Mini magnifier

  • Watch camera

  • One eye binoculars

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz glass_molded_inkwell
  • Cologne bottle

  • Tear catcher

  • Inkwell

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Dress lifter

  • Salad shears

  • Hair tweezers

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Trinket belt

  • Chatelaine

  • Maid's charms

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz bell_and_howell_fio
  • Pencil sharpener

  • Filmo

  • Distance measurer

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Asparagus tongs

  • Hair clip

  • Hair straightener

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Stopwatch / timer

  • Pager

  • Buzzer

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz
  • Photographic film

  • Cylinder paper

  • Roll-on printer

What is this historical object?

Can You Identify These Mystery Historical Objects? Quiz floppy diskette
  • Art paper

  • Floppy disk

  • Camera inset

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