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Only a Film Expert Can Name 14/17 of These Horror Movies from Their Posters

How about adding some of these to your watch list in time for Halloween?

We all love a good horror movie, even if it does result in mini heart palpations. Horror movies scare us and get our adrenaline going in a way no other genre can manage. Sure most of us end up watching a horror movie, and keeping our eyes closed throughout the tense and gruesome parts, but it's all good fun.

Are you a horror master? Can you recognize the movie posters that astound even the most dedicated of gorehounds? If so, this quiz is right up your alley!

Have a go and see how many of these horror movies you can identify from just the poster. Some are easy and immediately recognizable, some are hard and will make you scratch your head.


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Only Film Expert Can Name 14 of Horror Movies from Thei… Quiz Questions

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