You are down on your luck financially. At the train station, a well-dressed man approaches you to play a game of Ddakji and you get to win some cash on the spot. What do you have to do to win?
End up with the most Pogs
Create the best looking origami tile
Throw your origami tile so that it makes the other player's tile flip over
Be the first player to yell Yahtzee!
After the game ends, the man invites you to join another "high stakes game". He hands you a card with a phone number that you can call to join. How do you respond?
"No thanks, that sounds super sketchy"
Accept the card but then don't join the game
Accept the invitation and join the game
Accept the card but then ask other people if they think joining the game is a good idea
In the first round, you will play the popular kids game "Red Light, Green Light". What is your strategy for the game?
Barely move at all so it is easy to stop moving on a red light
Escape the game when no one is looking
Move normally on green lights and stop when you can on red lights
Always move behind other people so you are not as easily seen
After the first game, the players hold a vote on whether or not they want to stop playing and go home. How do you vote?
Before we start round 2, choose a shape out of the options below.
In this challenge, you are given a needle to cut the shape you picked out of a sheet of honeycomb candy within a specified amount of time without breaking its form. How do you approach this task?
Carefully use the needle to cut out the shape
Just dive in there with your hands and hope for the best
Sabotage another player
Lick the honeycomb to melt it so it's easier to cut
You have information that could help your team in the next game. Do you tell the other members or keep the information to yourself?
Escape out a backdoor when no one is looking
Keep the information to yourself
Tell your teammates
Tell some of your teammates but not others
In round 3, you have to play a game of tug of war against a team of stronger opponents. How do you handle the situation?
Just give up because the other team is stronger
Just pull as hard as you can and hope for the best
Have your entire team suddenly take 3 steps forward to cause the other team to fall
Tug and pull in synchronized fashion with the rest of your team
Scenario: You are a doctor and game officials will give you secret information that help you in the games in exchange for helping them harvest organs from dead players. Do you take part in this conspiracy?
Do not take part in the conspiracy
Take part in the conspiracy but share the information you have with other players
Reevaluate your decision to take part in these games entirely
Yes, take part in the conspiracy. How could that go wrong?
In round 4, you are pitted against someone you know in a life-or-death game of marbles. What would your strategy be?
Give up on the game and go for a stroll through your old neighborhood
Pretend to align with someone and then steal their marbles
Allow my opponent to win so that he will survive
Try your best to beat your opponent in a fair game of marbles
In round 5, you will have to cross a bridge by walking on a series of glass stepping stones. Some of the glass panels cannot support your weight, and this will cause you to fall to your death. What is your strategy for this game?
Push people onto the glass to figure out which ones are safe
Only step on the glass that others have already stepped on
Look for a pattern regarding which glass panels are safe and which aren't
Walk across the glass as fast as you can
You are with the other finalists awaiting the last game to be played. What do you do to your opponents?
Have a nice dinner together and forget about your situation
Create an alliance
Promise to take care of each other's loved ones whoever wins
Murder them to improve your chances of winning
Before the final game, you are once again given the option of voting to end the games and go home or continue playing for the prize money. How do you vote?
Vote to continue the games
Vote to end the games and go home
Murder your opponents during the vote, thus ensuring your victory
It is time for the final game. You have been selected for the attacking team in Squid Game. What is your approach to the game?
Play the game as fairly as you can
Use a knife to attack your opponents
Wait until your opponent is in the narrowest part of the squid and then push them out
Just start fighting your opponents
A year after the games ended, you are asked to take part in another game. Do you participate?