Can You Name These Flowers? 🌼 🌸 🌺

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Congratulations! You have total and utter Flower Power! From the beautiful orchid, to the obvious rose, to the rock stars of the Netherlands – the tulips – you are a flower champion! Most people have heard of all of these flowers, and maybe have even given (or received) them at one point in their lives, but for most people all the names run together. We can’t begin to tell you how many times people mix up gerberas, daisies, daffodils, and carnations – but not you! Great job! Think your friends and family can pass the test? Share this quiz and let’s see how well they do!


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Someone once said that flowers are the sweetest objects in the world, and we couldn't agree more. They're alluring, romantic, delicate, and fragile.

Do you love flowers? Can you recognize the different species of flowers? Take this quiz to challenge yourself!

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