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Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test?

How good is your spelling? Take this quiz to find out whether your spelling is a recommendation or an embarrassment.

With spell check and autocorrect helping us out on our phones and computers every day, it's no wonder that many people these days struggle with spelling.

This quiz will determine your spelling ability based on your choices. All you have to do is pick the word with the correct spelling each time. Test your S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G chops to find out whether your spelling is a recommendation, or just an embarrassment.

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  1. Adept PlayerKeneIsTheQUEEN has played over 10 quizzes
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  2. ๐Ÿ… Ranked #81vienna is ranked 81st for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
    ๐Ÿ† 181st in Triviavienna is the 181st top scorer over the last 30 days
    Super Fanvienna is the comment superstar!
    Elite Playervienna has played over 500 quizzes
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Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? Quiz Questions

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 01
  • intelligence

  • intelligance

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 02
  • prenicious

  • pernicious

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 03
  • grateful

  • greatful

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 04
  • cultivate

  • coultivate

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 05
  • phillanthropic

  • philanthropic

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 06
  • intorject

  • interject

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 07
  • banal

  • bannal

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 08
  • expounge

  • expunge

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 09
  • embarrass

  • embarass

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 10
  • exhillarate

  • exhilarate

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 11
  • indigant

  • indigent

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 12
  • affront

  • afront

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 13
  • conscience

  • consciensce

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 14
  • euphoric

  • uphoric

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 15
  • committed

  • commited

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 16
  • instigate

  • instagate

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 17
  • changable

  • changeable

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 18
  • esoteric

  • essoteric

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test?
  • believe

  • beleive

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 20
  • resplendent

  • resplendant

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 21
  • wistfull

  • wistful

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 22
  • bennign

  • benign

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? Praying woman hands
  • absolution

  • absollution

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 24
  • enccumber

  • encumber

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 25
  • acommodating

  • accommodating

Can you pick the correct spelling?

Can You Pass This Tricky Spelling Test? 26
  • verocity

  • veracity

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