Rumors of an infectious disease taking hold in a town over have started to circulate. What is your general attitude toward such rumors?
They are just rumors, ignore them
Do not alter my routine until I hear something concrete
Stay inside and board up my home
Cautiously start avoiding people and make sure I wash my hands
People in your town are starting to get sick. How do you respond?
Follow medical experts' advice and try to avoid people
Do not change my actions at all
Immediately flee the town and don't look back
Help people as much as I can
Medical professionals are beginning to become overwhelmed with the number of sick patients in your town. How do you respond?
Flee the town and don't look back
Travel to different towns looking for more doctors and nurses to help
Stay at home and don't come out
Volunteer to help doctors and nurses tend to patients
Government officials and people in hazmat suits have quarantined your town, preventing anyone from leaving. How do you handle the situation?
Stock up on supplies and stay in
Follow the advice of medical professionals in the town
Attempt to escape the quarantined zone
Exchange conspiracy theories with my neighbors
Someone in your town is marketing an oil derived from snakes that they say will cure anyone who has contracted the virus. Medical experts in your town say this is incorrect. How do you respond to this person?
Purchase the snake oil but still remain cautious
Report them to various social media platforms for spreading false information
Purchase the snake oil and believe myself to be immune
Do not listen to this person at all
The 1st wave of the plague has started to subside. Case counts are going down. How do you handle the situation?
Follow the advice of medical professionals
Go back to normal life
Continue staying in and don't let anyone near me
Try to escape the quarantine zone
You see a news report that your local hospital is running out of medical supplies to treat the sick. How do you handle the situation?
Do not leave home
Volunteer to safely help doctors and nurses as best you can
Do not believe the news report, it's all fake news
Escape the quarantine zone and try to get hold of medical supplies
Your neighbors are asking everyone to wear "plague masks" for when they need to leave their homes. How do you respond to this?
Do not wear a plague mask and be a jerk to people who do
That's an infringement of my freedom!
Respect neighbors' wishes and desire to feel safe
Wear a plague mask even though I'd prefer not to
Someone you share a home with has come down with the illness. How do you respond?
Never leave that person's side
Take some of that snake oil and believe myself to be immune
Help the person as best I can while keeping a safe distance
Separate areas of the home so that I can stay distant from the person
Even though your town has been quarantined, your friends really want you to attend their gender-reveal party. No plague masks are allowed but snake oil will be given to attendees. How do you handle the situation?
Attend the party and pretend everything's normal
Do not attend
Bring fireworks to help with the gender-reveal celebrations
Do not attend, and promise myself to make better friends in the future
Medical experts have developed a vaccine for the virus. So long as 70-80% of people in your town get the vaccine, the plague should be over. How do you handle the situation?
Get the vaccine because it will help protect other people
Get the vaccine because it will help protect me
Trust YouTube videos on the vaccine rather than what medical experts say
Don't trust the medical experts and don't get the vaccine
Since you haven't been able to work, you are running out of money and supplies. The only available job is for a company called "Rainforest". It is believed the company is not doing a great job at preventing the spread of the virus, however. How do you handle the situation?
Attempt to unionize the workers at "Rainforest"
Look for another company to work for
Raise concerns about the working conditions at "Rainforest"
Start working in the "Rainforest" factory
You've started to develop some symptoms related to the virus. How do you handle the situation?
Continue my life as per normal
See a doctor immediately
Quarantine myself, drink lots of water, and hope for the best
Rub some snake oil on my body
The plague has started to subside and life is going back to normal. Your town just opened a new market that sells only perishable foods like meat and fish. Would you purchase and consume foods from such a place?
Only if the meat looks safe
I'd move to a town that does not have such a market
Sure, why not? What is a zoonotic disease?
No, definitely not
You hear rumors that the newly-militarized World Health Organization will drop a nuclear bomb on your town to prevent the virus from spreading outside the quarantine zone. How do you handle the situation?
Take shelter underground
Do not listen to the rumors
Attempt to escape the quarantine zone
Sit back and wait for the bomb