Can You Survive a Day Without Technology? 📱

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You would have no problems surviving a day without technology. You recognize that the smartphone was created so that you could make calls from anywhere—not so that everyone could always reach you. You know the world won’t end if you don’t respond to texts right away. You update your Facebook page only when you have something interesting to report. You DVR your favorite shows so you watch just what you actually want to see.


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    Kira Callaghan 11 months ago

Technology has always been evolving throughout human history but not in the way that it has been over the last decade. We've hit some type of technological threshold where new developments are coming faster and becoming more sophisticated than ever before. Once upon a time, people did not rely on technology for their day-to-day lives. Numerous things that humans did in the past are starting to go by the wayside because of technological advancements. This has both positive and negative impacts on our society.

You might be so accustomed to your apps, smartphone, tablet, computer, and other gadgets that you simply do not know how to go a single day without them. This quiz will test your ability to survive in a scenario where your smartphone doesn't work, your laptop doesn't turn on, and all the technological conveniences you have grown accustomed to are simply gone. Do you think you can survive a day without technology? Go ahead and take this quiz, answer the questions as best you can, and we will let you know.

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