Have Fun Choosing 🍦 Cold Desserts to Find Out 🥶 What % Cold-Hearted You Are

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Your unfeeling heart couldn't possibly be any colder. There are icicles on your heart.


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Many people love frozen desserts. Perhaps you just love ice cream, gelato, sorbet, popsicles, slushies, and other frozen treats. If that’s the case, you might be someone who has a cold and icy heart. On the other hand, you might still be a warm and loving person who just so happens to enjoy the refreshing taste of a frozen treat on a hot day.

We can actually tell what percentage of your heart is ice cold based on your preferences for frozen desserts. That might sound strange but our calculations can get the coldness level of your heart down to a percentile point. We understand that some of you may want to find out for sure if you are a cold and unfeeling person and that’s why we put together this quiz.

In order for the results of this quiz to be accurate, we need you to answer the questions as honestly as possible. Even one or two less-than-honest answers can skew the results. So really ask yourself what type of frozen dessert you would prefer over others. You’ll also have to decide between various flavors of ice cream and different types of ice cream bars and cakes, which can be difficult for some people so please just try your best.

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