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๐Ÿฐ We’re Pretty Sure We Know Your Birth Month Based on the Cakes You’ve Eaten

Don't be too freaked out when we get it right.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of cake flavors and types to choose from for every occasion. Cake goes hand in hand with any celebration, whether it is a birthday party, wedding, graduation, or anniversary. It is a sweet ending that rounds up a meal, a memorable treat to mark an important event, and a great way to taste a different culture when visiting a new city on vacation.

We know that cake is the best of all desserts, but we might not agree on which cake flavors are the most worth eating. There are so many kinds of cake, but just because something has flour and sugar and butter and eggs doesn't mean that it's amazing.

Based on your cake eating experience, we think we can hazard a guess on the exact month you were born. Don't believe us? Take this mouthwatering quiz and let's find out.


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I'm Sure I Know Your Birth Month by Cakes You've Eaten Quiz Questions

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