🍰 Your Dessert Choices Will Reveal Which Decade You Actually Belong in

You got: 1930s!

22% of players got this result!

We think you will feel right at home in the '30s!


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Just as trends are ever-changing for fashion and pop culture over the years, trendy food items also differ from decade to decade. In particular, various dessert foods have come and gone based on mainstream preferences of that decade.

In the 1910s, sponge cakes and devil's food cakes were all the rage, perhaps due to the simple baking process and ingredients. The '30s introduced pavlovas, said to be modeled after the Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova’s white tutu. In the 1950s, when meringue was popular, a baked Alaska was what everyone looked forward to at dinner parties. The next decade was high on fruits and syrups, so the perfect concoction of pineapple upside down cakes was commonplace. After its introduction in 1987, the molten chocolate lava cake ruled the '90s, so much so that you couldn't find a restaurant menu that didn't include the dessert.

In this quiz, you get to pick your favorite desserts from various categories. Your choices will reveal which decade you are most suited for!

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