Generally, the way that you prepare certain foods can affect the amount of nutrients you obtain from them. We have been told to avoid unhealthy preparation methods like deep frying and charcoal barbecuing. However, it's not as widely known that even the way you eat a food can affect its nutritional levels.
While cutting up most foods into more manageable portions before putting them in the mouth is a socially acceptable way of eating, you may in fact be losing important supplements for the body. Slicing fruits and vegetables open up the food and allow heat, oxygen, and light to affect the insides. This is when they become susceptible to the loss of nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants.
Do you prefer eating certain foods as a whole or cutting them up first? Your personal habits of eating the following foods will help us analyze if you're an introvert or an extrovert.
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Get PremiumWe Know If You Are Introvert or Extrovert by Whether Yo… Quiz Questions
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