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💤 Choose What Happens Next in Your 💭 Dreams and We’ll Reveal Your Spirit Animal

What do your dreams reveal?

A spirit animal is an animal in the natural world that embodies the qualities and characteristics of your true self. Every one of us has a spirit animal and this quiz can determine what it is. All you have to do is answer these questions about your dreams. Your spirit animal reveals itself subconsciously through your dreamscapes. We will provide you with several common dream scenarios which many people will encounter at one time or another, whether they remember it or not. You will be given a series of options as to what happens next in the dream and you choose the one which seems most likely given how you typically dream. Your answers will help us determine what your spirit animal is.

There are numerous different types of spirit animals that you might be attached to and they all have different characteristics. Some spirit animals make you brave and strong, others give you wisdom and knowledge. No matter what your spirit animal is, we will be able to find it. Go ahead and take this quiz to learn more about your spirit animal.

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Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz Questions

You are having a dream that you are falling off a tall building, cliff, or other high structure. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz falling
  • Several large birds carry you off to safety

  • You splatter on the ground below

  • You begin to fly

  • Nothing. You just keep flying until you wake up

You have shown up to school or work naked in your dream. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz nude at work
  • You are politely asked to put on some clothes

  • No one says anything and you just go about your day while naked

  • You run out of the room in embarrassment

  • Everyone else takes their clothes off too and it's the best day at school or work ever!

You are having a dream where you are being chased by someone. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz chase
  • You turn around and start chasing the person who had been chasing you

  • You eventually reach a safe place, possibly your home

  • Nothing. You just keep getting chased until you wake up

  • The person catches up to you, hands you your phone and says you dropped it a few blocks ago

You are dreaming that the vehicle you are driving is out of control and about to crash. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz handleoutofcontrolcar-739f
  • You regain control of the car and drive it to safety

  • Nothing. You just spin out of control until you wake up

  • You crash!

  • The car begins to elevate off the ground and you fly it to the skies

In your dream, you are taking a test or an exam for a class that you have not studied for. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz Stressed Student Fail Flunk Test
  • You flunk the exam

  • You somehow know all the answers, anyway

  • You try to cheat off the person beside you

  • You give up and leave the exam room

You are having a dream that you are hanging out with celebrities. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz celebrity
  • The celebrities don't like you and tell you to leave

  • You are invited to Hollywood and become a big celebrity yourself

  • It turns out the celebrities were just people you went to high school with

  • The celebrities all think you are super cool

In your dream, you are running late for a big appointment. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz Running Late For Work Time
  • You somehow arrive on time

  • You arrive late to your appointment and everyone is mad at you

  • You arrive late but nobody is mad at you

  • You never make it to your appointment and keep running into obstacles

In your dream, you have lost your ability to speak and cannot communicate with people. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz Silent Silence quiet shush shhh
  • Nothing. You just can't speak again until you wake up

  • You begin writing things down and showing it to people

  • People stop paying attention to you

  • You learn sign language and begin to communicate with it

You are dreaming that your teeth have suddenly started to fall out. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz teeth falling out
  • You go to the dentist and they put them back in

  • They keep falling out until you have no teeth left

  • The Tooth Fairy gives you a million dollars

  • You grow vampire fangs

You have been elected a powerful world leader in your dream. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz Politician politics
  • You host lavish parties at your presidential estate or castle

  • You are an altruistic leader who cares for your people

  • You are a ruthless dictator and rule with an iron fist

  • You step down from your role to let someone more experienced take over

You are having a dream that you are flying. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz young man sets off in search for new job with CV under his arm
  • You are worshipped by a family of geese who view you as a God

  • You fly so close to the sun that your wings burn

  • You crash

  • You explore the globe

In your dream, you have to go to the bathroom but you can't find one anywhere. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz person who has to pee
  • You eventually find a bathroom

  • You hold it for so long that you end up exploding

  • You just "go" both in your dream and in reality

  • Nothing. You constantly look for a bathroom until you wake up

You have a dream that your partner was unfaithful to you. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz divorcesweats
  • You leave your partner in the dream, then wake up and pretend it never happened

  • You wake up and break up with your partner in reality

  • You confront your partner in the dream and they just say, "Well, it's only a dream"

  • You wake up and be unfaithful to your partner in reality

In your dream, you are in the woods and there are bears, wolves, or other dangerous animals around. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz brown bears
  • The animals begin talking to you and it turns out they are just misunderstood

  • You tame all the wild animals and become their leader

  • You are eaten by one of the animals

  • You run away to safety

Finally, you have a dream that you are abducted by aliens. What happens next?

Pick What Happens Next in Your Dreams to Know Your Spir… Quiz Aliens
  • The aliens let you go after asking several questions about the show, Frasier

  • You are probed, and it is uncomfortable

  • The aliens are surprisingly forthcoming about their culture and true intentions on Earth

  • Wait, this isn't a dream!

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